The Future of Video RE: Is Video The New Software? | TechCrunch

Moreover, content has become the new software, what with zero marginal production and distribution costs. When you consider especially that cheap hardware and open source software has rendered technology anything but defensive, you wonder if the VC herd will perk up and follow Mark’s lead.

via Is Video The New Software? | TechCrunch.

I think there is a glaring factor missing in this train of thought. Video is like software in comparison of the value being in the hardware, then hardware becoming less important and the software that could go on any hardware was the key.

The problem with thinking video is the new software is that unlike software which models the hit shows, video in general is not as rare as software. People are willing to watch a ton of videos of all quality and from any source. Software had a function and depending on the quality there was a huge difference in the result. Seeing a cat play piano poorly is as good as watching a professional show to some. Because of this, content in the video world is not as marketable as software. That being said, I can think of many innovations that can create new opportunities in the world of video but it has to be able to operate in a new way with the current environment.

Video is going to get better and it is just another form of information waiting to be capitalized on…

Don’t sleep on your ideas RE:New Conductive Paint On Solar Cells

New Conductive Paint On Solar Cells « MOLECULE / Furniture & Design — Latest News.

This is crazy I was going to contact Elon Musk about this same thing.. I had this idea like ten years ago for both roof shingles in solar membranes and also solar paint using nano technology. This could then also be used in the auto industry and many other applications.

The key thing here is to be able to get the conversion efficiency up. See what happens when you sit on an idea too long. That is OK I have a billion ideas. The next key is understanding how to turn heat loss into energy with similar technology. We have used waste in many fields and one of the fundamental wastes in our world is heat expelled by a multitude of processes. There are key functions that when innovated can produce a huge amount of opportunities.

A Change in User Interface RE:Developers Work to Bring Siri to Older iPhones

As a direct effect, developers are already working on a project called “i4Siri,” which will hopefully bring the personal assistant to the last year’s iPhone in a legal way. There will still be a need for older devices to run iOS 5, but with a couple of Cydia tweaks and utilities, Siri will probably help you get things done on your iPhone 4 soon.

via Developers Work to Bring Siri to Older iPhones [VIDEO].

It is funny they would waste the time to push this to older phones, in some ways they are the king of building a cool product then creating another one right after that makes you think their old product isn’t good enough. They are bucking the trend here by caring enough for a product to go back and make it better, though I suspect their interest is to push the new voice interface culture more than caring about making your last model phone cool.

The second interesting thing is that Siri is on a phone. It may seem like nothing, but in the user interface world this is a strategic move. Siri lets people now talk to their machines. This is one more step toward trying to humanize the technology interface. Of course using the phone as the gateway makes sense since we already talk into the phone.

Previously talking to other people with the phone being the interface, now we talk to the interface. This is very smart and part of a bigger plan to get people to humanize technology and machines. It will then move the flaw of user interface from the mechanics of use to the translation and understanding of the phone. Interesting to think of the ramifications to other markets, technologies, and devices..

User Interface RE:3 New Ways to Connect With Content That Interests You

This week, we chose three startups that are helping to tailor content in a digital environment that has become over-saturated with information

via 3 New Ways to Connect With Content That Interests You.

Very good post, and besides the 3 startups it lists, they catch on a very powerful concept. Information management and display is a huge issue in an information age. It isn’t just building websites and apps that do this on a singular level. Designers can learn from this and add this to their projects they are working on.

This is the backbone of user interface, and I have said before that the future is about user interface. How we connect to information is measured every time a user accesses our site or product. How much static is in the line and how smoothly the interaction between technology and humans is will determine a large part of every projects success.

Working on Old Information

Hello Everyone,

Lately I have been enjoying a series on Bloomberg TV called Game Changers. It profiles people in art, technology, and culture. What I love most is to see the zoomed out picture of the people behind the success. To see them from where they were and then the obstacles they overcame all the way to success is a huge help.

People who have been successful for hundreds and thousands of years before have been limited to personal experience and the experience of what they saw around them. Very few people in history have been privy to seeing what success looks like before it is success and along the way. This gives people now a huge advantage. Gone are the days of having to wonder if you are crazy or if you are even on the right track.

Fast forward, there are many people today in business and innovation fields that essentially got their degree (enough information to get in the game) and then started working on whatever success they were going to chase. From there they are generally limiting their success to the bits of information around them and their own experience. You have to keep your eyes open. You can get so focused on your own innovation you can lose track of the world. Things are changing constantly and if you don’t keep your eyes on your competition and other innovators, you may not see your product or services position is slowly changing.

Working on old information can happen to those on the cutting edge sometimes more than others because they are so entrenched in bringing their project to life. Working on old innovation can be a killer especially in the changing environment of technology. Keep one eye and both hands on your project, but you need to go Goonies on it and let one eye wander to your competition, your industry, and innovation that isn’t even directly related to your industry… Pay attention and you won’t suffer when the world shifts under your innovation..

An Open Invitation to Build the Facebook Killer..

OK so it seems odd to write a post like this, but here is the situation.. I am a strategist, I see patterns, mechanics, and trends. I am not a computer programmer nor am I in that world. I am an outsider (where real innovation comes from). I have an incredible set of ideas that could change marketing, the internet, social media, and online and offline marketing forever, and yes it could be the Facebook killer.

Do I have your attention yet? The problem, I am an outsider… I do not know VC, programming, or where I would start. Imagine if a person really had the next Google, or Facebook in their head but didn’t know what to do with it… That is where I am. When I look at things like Facebook I see what doesn’t work, I see it like a baby spitting up on itself compared to what it should be. I see the game changing things that need to happen and also understand why they had the success they did. I can also see why so many other ‘me too’ companies can’t take significant market share from them. I will rewrite social.

I sent two emails, one to Google, and one to Amazon saying I wanted to talk to someone there. I was turned down by Jeff Bezos’s personal assistant, and never heard back from Google. Since then I decided I may just have to build it. Problem I need a good team and counsel on how to approach this project. I think the vision I have for this will change how things are being done in social forever and that will ultimately change the world. I thought to myself I will have to write in an article how Google and Amazon passed on it when it is the number one site on the internet… I know it must seem bold to hear someone say that, but I guess we will see. One of the major problems has been monetizing social and up until now it has been modest or obtrusive to users.. There is a much better way for both. I am not talking about building another site that plays by the lame rules already set, I am talking about going to the next and even next level of what could and should be.

Here is what I need and what I don’t want. I am not going to give away a bunch to a VC or programmer, money and programming can be easily found. I have elaborate details and structures already put together as far as planning goes. Though I need money, expertise, and programming, it isn’t going to be a ‘partnership’ for everyone. There will be huge benefits for some. I like to keep the party small. I am looking for the right people who want to be a part of the next big thing. Since I don’t operate in the silicon valley world I need to figure out who can help me and who I want to share with. I know quite well the value of what I am talking about so scammers and greedy people will not do well with me. I am very loyal and I plan on changing the world and doing business the way it should be done.

Let’s get to the good part… If you feel you can help me, are curious, or think you can connect me with the right people, resources etc.. I will not forget you even if you aren’t the person. It is going to take the right team to do this.. I am interviewing… not begging…. I am not going to take the first offer of help or any if I don’t feel it is right. I am just sending out the smoke signal to people who would have liked to been partners with Google, Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, but missed those historic opportunities… Well knock knock, opportunity is knocking again and I would like to talk with you. I would like a mix of people. Some who have already built some successful things and had big success so they can provide the insight to avoid the common mistakes, and some new people who want to be part of the next generation of game changers.. I look forward to hearing from you and seeing if you are fit…


Google may innovate another model but will the changes be good or bad

Google has purchased the copyright management group RightsFlow for implementation on YouTube and other Google properties. The technology will be used to identify the use of copyrighted music and make appropriate payments to the rights holders.

via Google Buys RightsFlow for YouTube Copyright Management – Search Engine Watch (#SEW).

I like this strategy, though it isn’t clear if this will in any way end up hurting the end user by teaching the music industry that they should get paid every time someone on the web uses a song of their artist. The crazy thing is that they may be shooting themselves in the foot.

There is so much talent and so many ways to get paid that I think the day may come when people prefer the free spread of music with the artists opting in with the sites to get paid. Cut out the middle men when their distribution and production is no longer necessary… They are trying to put a meter on music when people have found out they can park for free almost everywhere…

Innovation Abandoned

Hello Everyone,

Oh it feels good to come up with a new hot idea…. The problem is that most people act like a one night stand when it comes to innovation. Like hooking up with a woman you just met, you do what feels good with no thought of responsibility. Thus, many people create for themselves another unfulfilled an unsuccessful relationship.

Innovation takes commitment. Once you birth an idea it is your responsibility to take care of it. There are scores of deadbeat creative people out there with ideas that they left behind. Innovation requires parenting an idea until it can move out and live on its own. For most game-changers, this is when their idea starts getting traction.

Wise counsel is like sending your idea to college. Sometimes we don’t have all the pieces needed to see our ideas through to graduation. Don’t get stuck trying to homeschool your ideas. Sometimes they can be too sheltered to really develop.

Don’t abandon your ideas, they need you. If you aren’t willing to commit to their success then try keeping your mind closed and practice a little abstinence….